Welcome to the town of Blackwood Hollow - a ghost town forever trapped in the past.....a dark past. As you wait in line to enter Blackwood Manor at the end of this desolate street you will get a glimpse into the town that used to be one man's dream.... The Legend Of Blackwood Hollow It is said Blackwood Hollow was founded by Hawthorne Blackwood, in the early 1800s - Hawthorne was a man of faith and sought to build a town untouched by sin. The town was barely established when a dark plague swept through. The plague was swift, killing off most of the townsfolk, including his wife. Those few that survived wish they hadn't, as the plague had greatly disfigured them, and made them unable to bear the sunlight. Hawthorne, unable to take the loss of his wife, and his town, turned to the dark arts to try to find a way to bring back the love of his life. Legend has it that Hawthorne spent years secluded in his church and study, poring over old parchments and ancient books. Eventually, his dabbling unearthed something, but it only thrust the remainder of the town further into darkness, bringing back with it the dead townsfolk, who were now trapped in their plagued forms. No one knows the whole truth and eventually through the years, the town faded into legend and was left to rot away in the woods. The remains of the town sat quietly in the woods for decades. the darkness always there, always hungering to spread further. Years later, in the 1920s, a rich doctor by the name of Victor Grimfell purchased the land that Blackwood Hollow sat on. Victor bought the land knowing it sat far enough away from prying eyes that he could continue his “Work” unhindered. Years went by as the darkness consumed the Asylum to the point the walls themselves began to rot, and crumble....eventually returning to the sour earth that it was built upon. Now something new has risen in it's place - a dark carnival arriving on the autumn wind, it's arrival signaled by the scream of a train horn in the distance. What terrors will be unleashed under the big top of "Pandemonium".....step right up and find out.....